Well Pump Services in Westchester, Putnam & Dutchess Counties
No Water? Low Pressure?
We are the Well Pump Experts!
Well Tank Installation & Service
Although you may have water pressure in your home, that does not mean your well tank is working properly. Many well tank issues are not noticed until there is total water loss and serious damage is done to the well pump. This is why we offer well pump services in Westchester County, NY.
- Ground Pumps
- Constant Pressure Systems
- Jet Pumps
- Submersible Pump Conversions
5 Year Warranty on all new Submersible Pumps
Well Pump Maintenance & Service
Properly maintaining your well pump can prolong the life of your pump and help keep it running efficiently. Some signs that it’s time to schedule a well pump check-up include low water pressure, discolored and/or foul-tasting water, air coming from faucets, or no water at all.
If water pressure starts very strong and falls off to a much weaker pressure, a problem with clogged piping can be the issue. The water supply pipe is usually blocked by some form of crud or debris which reduces the actual diameter of the pipe, causing a reduction in water flow rate even if the starting water pressure is good. There is a big difference between water flow rate (how many gallons per minute are coming out of a faucet) and water pressure (how hard is the water pressing inside the pipes and fixtures). If this sounds like you, then call for well pump services in Brewster, NY as soon as possible!
Start today with your FREE estimate. Trust the licensed plumber with over 45 years of experience. We’ve been family-owned and operated since 1967 and all of our service work is GUARANTEED for 1 year.
We supply both shallow and deep well pump services using only 100% stainless steel pumps with a 5 year guarantee. We also install complete water systems including system design, trenching, underground conduits, and operation.
Let us help you determine the best pump for your home.
Water is a basic need, so make sure yours is clean and fit to drink! We can work on private well systems, submersible pumps, and jet pumps just to name a few. Your water will be sparkling clean after going through our neutralizing, softening, and carbon filtering processes.
We will help you understand the complexities of pumps and pump installation. We install ground pumps, submersible pumps, booster pumps, jet well pumps, and others.
Variable Speed Pump Systems
A variable speed pump, also referred to as a “constant pressure pump”, is a newer technology. This type of system is electronic and will make your water pressure similar to a city water system. This cost-efficient system is preferred when water usage needs are great, such as larger homes, farms, plant nurseries, factories, etc.
The specialists at Southeast Plumbing & Heating will help you with all of your plumbing and heating needs, whether it’s repair work, drain cleaning, or installations. We will repair or replace your well pumps, water tanks and hot water heaters. We fix drain clogs, leaky pipes, install water purification systems and more in upper Westchester County, Putnam and Duchess Counties.
Call Joe today for your repair, renovation, or installation needs anywhere in the upper Westchester area, and Putnam and Duchess Counties. FREE estimate. CALL ANYTIME! 845-279-9030